Sunday, December 6, 2009

Make Money While Online - Start from Scratch - Part 1

Methods of Getting Traffic and the Secret Behind Success
$   Make Money While Online   $

The Internet is filled with Writers, Marketers, Programmers, Network Marketers, Website Design Pros, Software Designers, Speakers, Educators, Regular People with talents or a vast amount of knowledge in different niches.

The thing that all successful people have in common is Very Strong Discipline. Lets look at the definition of discipline from Wikipedia. If you don't have strong discipline, good time management, and super successful mentors and resources helping you that is the reason you have not made it as an entreprenuer.
Sorry to put this bluntly, YOU are the one stopping YOU to be Rich. What you have to do is look at life as one massive journey and think of the years as a timeline to your achievements that you will be working towards. If you look inside the definition of Dicipline, the answer to how to be super successful at what you do is determined by your discipline and time management.
Having a good mentor is an advantage but it is not necessary.

The reasons why people keep paying for Internet Marketing Course after course is that they have poor discipline so their not really sticking to any kind of schedule and completing every single thing that that Guru is saying to do.Be honest with yourself. I want this revolution and discovery in your life sink in. Did you know that Highly Successful people are strong leaders.

They work to become an expert at what they are good at or what they put their mind too. It can be anything. Skateboarding- Tony Hawk . Golf- Tiger Woods. Radio Broadcasting - Jim Rome. All of these people work extremely hard to become the best at what they do. They possess excellent discipline in their passion and turn their talents into money.  You want to Make Extra Money Online so your schedule should include the steps to doing just that. The secret to getting traffic is done in 4 different ways.

1. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - This first requires keyword research, market research. On page SEO, and strong backlinks. There is expert advice on about every area inside of Affiliate Marketing. This product absolutely blows the rest away when it comes to SEO knowledge.
The product was made by an 18 year old who has dominated Googles front page with multiple pages. He has figured out how to do that with any website that he creates. He has a system that he shows you. He teaches in video and written. I myself have bought this course and I have these secrets in my vault.

SEO optimization is the most powerful way of getting traffic, because you get people looking for what you have on your site. You also don't have to spend any money to get to top of Google and you get consistent traffic if you achieve 1st page results. If you would like to look at Georges page Click Here


As part of the rules of the FTC affiliate marketers are required to let the visitor know that we do make a percentage of the sale if you buy from the product we are promoting. So I do recieve a commission if you buy any of the products that I review and recommend. This does not alter the price. It is the same, just the product owner doesnt get 100% commission. So its I help you, help me, to help the product owner help you.

2. Video Viral Marketing - Example : You Tube leads to your website - Video Marketing is taking over the Internet. You Tube is a massive video hosting site, and a household name. Its not just putting a video up and expecting it to get traffic. There is a technique behind getting traffic to the videos. You Tube is not the only video hosting site, their are several.

You want to listen to the experts until you master an area that you can create your product on. We as affiliate marketers are the middle men of Information to get people in gear. Video Marketing like SEO is not an easy task. There are many programs that talk about Video Marketing, but don't prove its effectiveness.

Quick Video Marketing has multiple Case Studies with documented success based on the teachings from their strategies. You want to start off with one of the 3 main ways of getting traffic. If you are more of a writer who wants to climb up the ranks from SEO, then choose the SEO way.

If you are a person who likes speaking and making videos definitely take this route of Quick Video Marketing. Check the website out by Clicking Here.  Down below is one of the case studies that benefited from using Quick Video Marketing.

3. PPC - Pay Per Click - This method can guarantee you traffic with an effective text or banner ad. You pay to get to the front page of Google. This method can make you money, and is how some advertisers make alot of their money. They don't have to deal with Seo to get traffic, they just have to deal with effectiveness of their ads. This method can be extremely expensive, and not recommended for anyone with little money. The two areas for Pay Per click is on websites and Search Engines.  Examples: Google Pay Per Click biggest for search engines, and IBrite for PPC on many choices of sites.

If you go this route be ready for some overhead. At least $50 a day, but can climb to $200 a day or more easily, for more competitive keywords. I highly suggest taking the best course out there in PPC. The course that blows away all other courses for PPC is PPC Bully. I dont want to write a whole page about the course. I am stressing that you that if you are Interested in Marketing with Pay Per Click you should learn from the best teacher. Click Here for Real Proof from the "PPC Expert."

Heres a Webinar from the owner of PPC Bully so you can get a feel for how he teaches his students.

   PPV- Pay Per View (Impressions) - This method is very similar to Pay Per Click but instead of someone paying per person that clicks on their ad, they pay for everytime their ad appears on someones computer screen. This method can be effective, but requires extremely effective ads.

This method of Pay Per View has been around for quite some time. Mass PPV Traffic owners have mastered their own technique of bringing traffic to their webpage with their highly effective ads. Pay Per View was not viewed by most marketers as smart because of the conversion rates for Impression ads.

For your ad to appear on someone's page can easily prove to be a waste of money because if no one clicks your ad, then you still have to pay for it appearing on their computer screen. This method can get expensive like the PPC strategies.

The product owner's behid Mass PPV Traffic are definitely experts on this area. They pull in massive amounts of traffic and leads using Pay Per View methods. If you are interested in paying for traffic than you should definitely take a look around the website.


James I don't have any Technical Skills and I am scared to fail! I don't know how to set up a Website and don't want to learn. What can I do to get past that? 

You are not alone in this frustration. Me and you are not Computer Programmers and never want to be. They have an advantage because they can make cool looking websites that have all the features needed to succeed. There is an alternative, a blog.

Starting a blog is free and allows you to put a webpage on the Internet that anyone can view. There are so many people with blogs that they are overlooked if you don't stand out. With any site you make, you will have to get traffic to that site to be able to make any sort of money from it.

If you want an expert on Blogs, I'll give you the best in this group at building and marketing with Blogs.
Blogging to the Bank is how I learned all of my methods for promoting my Blog, and how you found your way to this page. I chose to stick with Blogs, and slowly learn HTML as I go.

The worst thing for you to do is to do nothing but constant learning with no implementing of what you learn. I chose SEO as my method of attaining traffic. It can be complicated but is the most rewarding because the traffic flow you create was created only with time, and will not cost you money.

I suggest that you make a decision on which way you will get your traffic. SEO, Video Marketing, or PPC/PPV. Once you decide that, then decide whether you will create a website, or start a blog.
Click Here to take a tour of Rob Benwell's Blogging to the Bank.

Your Dedicated Affiliate Marketing Mentor

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