Sunday, December 6, 2009

5 Levels of Internet

The Structure of the Internet

Level 1 - This level is for affiliate marketers. You know from earlier that this is where you are promoting other peoples product and do not have a product of your own. You do not have to deal with any technical knowledge of running your own hosting for your website. No email auto responder, no paid methods of generatting traffic, just free.

Level one affiliate marketers have an huge amount of opportunity. There are multiple free methods of promoting free products. Essentially the Level one Internet Marketer will make money off of posting links on their article, social networking sites, blogs, forums, public, etc of free methods.

You can start at level one but just know that taking Level one methods is a good training starting point, but Level 2 and on is what the standard level is to have a good chance of making some money off the Internet.

Many Level one Affiliate Marketers will face a problem of putting in exhausting amouts of hours of work to recieve little to no return of profit in the beginning. This is the easiest method with many untrained people promoting similar products that all seem to have a similar ring.

You have little chance of sticking out unless your content is extremely effective and stands out. Poeple are now used to buying from Level 2 and on, so Level one Affiliates tend to have more of a battle. The biggest part that sets Level 1 affiliate Marketers back is that they have no auto system that allows them to have auto responders, and websites that they control. They are doing every thing by hand.

What you will realize is that you will need to implement many of Level 1 tactics as well as Level 2. You need to be effective at what you do in both levels. If you want to start promoting other people's product's with no websites the best Mentor for that is Mack Michaels.

Level 2 - Level 2 is where you have the best chance at success. With level 2 you step into the field of building a auto pilot system that you promote with Level 1 as well as Level 2 methods. Level 2 gets into the more complicated components but necessary tools that you need to make your profit potential higher.

You will need hosting and a Resallers Account to have control over what happens to your domain, and setting up a webiste you can resale if you want. You will have to deal with the hosting which is kind of complicated to deal with.
You will need an Email Autoresponder to put in the emails that you will be on your campaign of messages you send to your potential customers. An Email Responder Automates the process of sending emails. It can also be a little complicated if you have never used it. Dont worry the auto responders are very similar in sense of different functions and commands that you can program.

You will need a keyword research tool: googles keyword tool. When you enter in to the paid methods, it is highly recommended that you get an additional keyword tool, to ensure you have the best PPC Campaign Research.
Squeeze page is a page to obtain your email and name to subcribe the person to your auto responder list. These pages are extremely important. Every Level 2 affiliate has to have one to build your list. There are manual ways on programming the squeeze page, and then there are programs for cheap to make it alot easier and make it as simple as Microsoft Word.

Pay Per Click Campaigns involve paying for text ads and use of banner ads. Pay per click means that you as the advertiser have to pay per click that the potential customer uses. Pay per click campaigns are run on search engines and on websites.

A pay per click off of a search engine, targets a keyword phrase for a dollar amt per click that can be as low as .05 up to $15, $20 dollars per click. This is definitely not the beginners path. This method can be really expensive, and can require over $100 a day to test out campaigns to see effective. A successful campaign thru a pay per click can be 1-3% conversion rate.

If this language sounds foreign to you then you know to keep going through this course to the end until you start putting any money towards your Internet Business.

The pay per click off of websites can vary in price and are not based off of targeted keyword phrase but just a placement on the webpage until your budget amount is used up. Having a good mentor is also very important for any Level that you are training in.
My warning to you is dont believe that after going thru one course that you will start getting rich, and make unbelievable amounts of money. I assure you that the formula is much harder to manifest than spoken of. Its a lot of inital work. It will pay off and be a systematic process.

The same way that you had to train for your job it is similar here. Just here you are not guaranteed a hour amount or salary. You have to literally create this money. The difference is, if you get good, like you are at your job, then your Income can soar based on how well you are doing.

My mentor makes over 100 times of what I am making. That inspires me, to be relentless in my pursuit of greatness, to close that gap thru time, experience and effective action. My Mentor is at a Level 3 which is a Vendor.

So level 2 steps into building your auto pilot system . Your hosting, auto respond email, pay per click campaigns, deeper keyword research, mentor, Building your websites, with squeeze page as your capture robot. The leader of the pack for teaching you all of the level 2 skills is Michael Jones.

Level 3 is a Vendor. A Vendor uses Level 1 and 2 tactics, but also creates his own product that he releases on Affiliate Networks. A great affiliate marketer has learned all of the necessary traits of Internet Marketing, so becoming a Vendor is easy and can boost his profits to obscene profits.

A Vendor creates his own product and will insert the product into an Affiliate Network to be promoted by himself and anyone who is a part of that Network. If the Vendor had a lot of success as Affiliate Marketer, this gives him the ability to make 100% commission.

Vendor's profit from everyone that is selling his product, thru a percentage commision. When you have these variables in place, you can see how a good product and proven success as Affiliate Marketer can skyrocket that Vendor into 6 or 7 figures. Clickbank holds nothing but Level 3 Vendors, that teach us Level 1 and 2 of the Internet.

Level 4 - Networks- an interconnected systems that broadcast a membership site to potentially millions of people. Level 4 Network is free to join and has a theme or common reason people would use it.

We are in a Social Networking frenzy, which shows a big trend to Online travelers. Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube are the biggest Social Netwoks at the moment. None of those Networks charge, and hold capabilities of housing hundreds of milions of people in their database.

The more people you bring to your page on a regular basis, the more you can potentiall make if you are a site owner. The Networks are paid thru the advertisers. Millions of people coming to your site will mean millions up to billions if you put up You Tube, My Space hit numbers.

The Networks are definitely where the recent multimillionaires and Billionaires have made their money. I do not go into detail on strategies inside Level 3, 4 or 5, because I am only in Levels 1 and 2. My progress in what I can pass to you will be based off of my experience level.

I can give you basic description of the higher levels.  Twitter is an example of Level 4 Free Network.

Level 5 is a Network with a subscriber fees. A massive membership, where the people come together for similar purposes on the website. Yet they have to pay for access. This is actually harder to pull off gigantic number like You Tube would do, because people flock to free much more.

What you are providing to a successful subscribers network has to be very valuable to those members. World of Warcraft is an example of a very successful Level 5 Network. They charge $13 a month and have over 11 million subscribers. Do the math on that, and it will make you feel bad.

Overall a free Network has more potential to be more successful because free can span out to incredible numbers if you have something everyone would like to be a part of. You tube has over 70 million people visit everyday. Google has over 100 million viewers visiting that site.

Those number of hits per day bring them billions of dollars from Advertisers. During this course you will be in Level 1 and Level 2. As an affiliate marketer you can still make obscene amounts of money. The next course will be about the heart of how you can get the best free exposure you could ever imagine.

Seo - Search Engine Optimization is by far the most important research you NEED to do, to make everything you write and build, rank on the top search engines. It is so crucial that you will not succeed if you do not become really familiar at utilizing it in Everything you do.

World of Warcraft is a Level 5 Membership Network.

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