Sunday, December 6, 2009

7 Biggest Mistakes that you can AVOID!

Please Avoid the Mistakes that I made as a "Newbie"

1) Don't depend on getting 1st time urge spenders to rely on consistent income. Most People don't buy a product the first time they see it. Most people are very skeptical of products that claim make you rich. You must build a relationship with your crowd, as I am doing with you. Building a relationship thru your blog and your email messages is crucial. When marketing your site, send people to your blog or their email Inbox, to build trust thru interactions. It takesmost people 5 times of seeing the company's pitch before they have that urge to spend.

2) Capture the email before your visitor sees the sales page.You need your visitors information. The email at the basic minimum. There are alot of one time visitors to webpages. The best way of continuing a relationship with your visitor is to give them something of value for free. You can add a autoresponder code on the page to capture the persons email.

You've taken part in giving your email in exchange for a free: Ebook, Newsletter, written course, info videos, free course, software, etc. There are so many options for information. If you don't command respect from your visitors, they have many other places to go. If you don't capture information and set a foundation, chances are that visitor will never run across your page again.

You need to build a list and sending the person straight to the product page without capturing the product info is INSANE! If you send your visitor to the product page without getting any info than chances are the Vendor will get their info. So if the person doesn't buy right then and there, your vendor will have future contact, and make 100% of the profit, from your hardwork.
I see this is so many cases people doing exhausting amounts of work and not really seeing anything in return. Writing articles, blogs, forum comments, Video Hosting Channels, submitting to directories, podcasts, press release, making review sites, testimonial, sales letter pages all to send the person to the squeeze page of the Vendor they are promoting.

You wonder why arent the people buying right off the back? Because they don't know you. They might not know anything about the product so they want to do research. No matter how great and and true the information is that you present you must earn the person's respect and trust.

You must build that thru many contacts thru email, and visits to your site.

3) Don't try to get on the 1st page of Google for a highly competitive keyword phrase with Authority Sites dominating the phrase! You must utilize Search Engine Optimization to achieve results that elevate you in the search engine rankings. SEO is by far the most complex and sophisticated part of implementing on a website. You are up against many veterans who have learned this art thru experience.

Doing Keyword Research allows you to compete based on your terms. If you want to results and traffic kind of quick, you will find a keyword that has relatively low searches, low competiton, with PPC still relevant. You need to know some basic information that Googles Keyword and Firefox Seo Quake can take care of.

Its extremely important to remember that you are here not to trade time for money. You are here to build a auto pilot system that requires building but goes on auto when you properly set the system up correctly.
Yes it is very useful to write articles, blogs, videos, social networking sites to get traffic to your site, but ultimately you want traffic that you do not have to promote and network with. You want traffic searching for what you have to offer.

Google Free Keyword Tool


4) Nothing is for Free. You don't want to swim in this shark invested industry without at least the bare minimum tools. It is easier financially to start with free methods, but not necessarily the smartest thing to do. Take me for example I started at level one affiliate marketing.

Writing articles, placing free ads, social networking sites to promote links and send people straight to the sales page of vendor. I didn't see to many sales regularly. I didnt have any tools, and felt alone without guidance or resources.
If you are on a strict budget their is one tool that will help you out thru building a relationship. Your Email AutoResponder is an excellent tool to capture emails, and have the emails sent out automatically
Having a auto email responder is the secret ingredient in a squeeze page. You must write the content of the string of emails, but the responder does the rest for you. It sends the emails by the settings that you put in.

If you want a email list to get the specific emails for that campaign every 3 days it will do that. It subscribes the person automatically, and will unsubscribe the person automatically if they click the unsubscribe list. The auto responder is literally a auto pilot machine.
Having a GURU as a mentor will give you guidance and a system that you can follow to see results.. Like my dad said : "Son to get rich, you must follow the rich and duplicate their system with your face on it."

Product owners have money back guarantees of up to 60 days, so if you feel like they gave you a piece of crap get your money back. I suggest the areas of expertise that you want additional training or a service provided that you invest your money for exactly that.

Two bare minimum tools you should utilize is Email Auto Responder and a Training Course from a Guru.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

5. This one might sound like I am pointing out the obvious but it needs to be said. DON'T GIVE UP IF YOU ARE NOT MAKING MONEY IMMEDIATELY. You are in an Industry where the competition is so fierce on the Internet and there is no guaranteed money making system. If you look at a decent searched keyword phrase you will see the sites at the top, have a year or more usually as domain name startup date.

You are not coming for chump change, are you? Accept that you are an Affiliate Marketer.

Yes there is 1.5 billion people on the Internet. Yes there are people buying digital products everyday. Most sales are going to product owners and experienced affiliate marketers. You will have to get more and more familar with the blueprint system that the gurus use.

You will need to make highly relevant sites as an expert in your niche. You must capture peoples email and name to build and implement your list. You must give free information in form of video, and written. Like anything that is complicated the beginning is the hardest.

Just know that you dont have a cap limit for the potential income you can make. At your job they tell you that you will make $ per hour or $ per month. You are guaranteed income, but there is only so much you can make before topping out as they say.

There is no topping out here. You know that from the obscene number profits you hear about. Newbie affiliate makes $50,000 his first month. It is possible but very unlikely. As you start building you will realize that this is worth your spare time as sales start coming.

This is your potential of finally having a opportunity to build up to a self made millionaire. You will have one incredible grueling journey ahead. You have to think of this time you put in for no guaranteed money as a sacrifice for your financial future.

Your job ensures you will keep making that wage or salary, but keeps you locked to it, because you cannot work up to 50k, 100k or even 300k per month. Your boss would probably laugh at you if you asked for a salary of 20k per month.`

SO DO NOT EVER GIVE UP! You are in the Industry that 90% of Recent Millionaires have made their money.

6) If you are teaching about Money Making Online, show us strategy with Screen Capture, not you on camera. As an Affiliate Marketer your goal should be to become a extremely profitable master at what you do. If your niche is Making Money than you will need to stay up to date with what the experienced marketers are doing to get traffic and conversions.

Video Marketing is now at the point to where it is like a neccessity. There are so many sites that utilize screen capture videos at their squeeze page and continue with videos for inside their site and thru auto response emails.

If you are in that niche of showing people how to make money online, than the best way would be to show them step by step how you would like it presented. Alot of people think video means getting in front of your video camera talking to us, and explaining it to us.

WRONG! That is the equivalent of providing us with audio of explaining. Not much better than written. We hear it, but we don't get to see what you want us to do. For beginners the method of standing in front of a camera explaining is annoying.

I want you to literally show me how thru a computer. There is screen capture software that is only $15 for a year called Jing. It is great for being so cheap. It does have it downfalls for being so cheap.

The most used software by the Gurus is Camtasia software. That is $300 but crushes Jings software. Jing is good for beginners that want to show their visitors while talking of what exactly they are doing.

Do not get in front of the camera and put a video out every day where we have to learn in an old school method. If you can show me thru your computer going thru demonstration step by step, I can follow on my computer on the way.

Video capture software is being utilized by top Affiliate Marketers and by Vendors. Don't think that old school methods will be effective in a high pace ever changing environment. Keep up with top trends.

My overall mentality in life has been to Love what I do,.Help others suceed while profiting, Master the system in the Industry that gives the best chance at financially freeing myself before 40.

I am 27 now, so I have some time. I would rather give you a full course that I will update as I learn more info, than to try to give you one bite at a time. Its better to have a website that completes what your overall intent is. To give valuable info to visitors that builds list, builds trust, and creates an urge from visitor to buy what you suggest is necessary for their sucess.

7. Don't get overwhelmed by Information Overload.  Stay Focused, and follow your Schedule

Common times we try to take in too much information, and do too many things. You might be in stages of doing this every single day. Im gonna explain what it feels like, and how to pull yourself away from that. First off the feeling is like trying to juggle 20 things at once. You have to do so many things in your regular life that the Internet can literally break you.

The first thing to do is plan out your day based on the things you have to do. For me I work off of a 7 day schedule, and have a routine that I go through. I don't like the feeling of being overwhelmed so I make sure I am only focused on ONE THING AT A TIME. James that is not possible there are so many things to get done, to learn, to write, to click, I have to do them all.

When you try to do too many things at once you will find that alot of nothing gets done. You don't want to be in this same position 3 months from now, with all types of half finished stuff done, a partial understanding, with 15 partial blogs. Unfinished courses, notes everywhere. A decline in the organization of your life. A feeling of frustration and failure. A overwhelming feeling of multiple hardaches and pains.

You need to stay organized and bite off what you can chew, until you get that down. I started off in a frenzy, trying to read every websites sales letter, review, testimonial. I would immediately pitch products to people. I would spam people thinking it would work. I tried to make these huge lists of the 100 things I had to do in short term. I tried to tell everyone about what I was doing.

Let me help you alleviate some of that stress. Distractions can be your doom if you let them. I don't know how much free time you have but set some goals and a routine. I wish I could look into your life, but I don't know you. Set aside a certain amount of time that you will do nothing but your Internet Work.

There are free courses and mentors to get guidance from, if you don't want to spend money. You can make money without the email autoresponder. I work anywhere from 3-5 hrs as of recently. I am working a little bit more than that recently, but you get the idea. If you have little time set 1 to 2 hours aside.


1. Write down a list of things that you have passion for, and wouldn't mind writing post after post about. It can be affiliate marketing, because I have a passion for that niche as well. It can be fishing, weight lifting, reading, sex, you get the idea.
2. Do some research on Google Trends and see how that broad topic is doing as far as overall search volume over the last 12 months.
3. Go to Clickbank and find the product that you think matches up best with your niche.
4. Go do some keyword research with keyword phrase, and with website content.
5. Whenever you find a keyword that stands out go do a analysis of it on Firefox Seo Quake. Do it with "quotes" and without them. Look at the page ranks and sites that are on the front page to see if you even stand a chance. See how many results there are for exact phrase.
6. Choose the keyword phrase that you are going to target.
7. Decide if you are going to get traffic thru SEO, Video Marketing, or PPC/PPV.
8. Start your Blog at Its your choice to buy a domain or do the free name. I chose free to test without having to spend money. Building routine for me was more important. Go and submit your site to 3 major search engines and Ping your blog at
9. Go find your top expert in whatever method of traffic you chose to specialize in, sign up to his autoresponder, and to his course if you can afford it.
10. Sign up to Ezine Articles.
11. Sign up to Aweber.
12. Find the 3 biggest forums with most traffic on your niche and sign up.
13. Find the 3 biggest blogs with most traffic on your niche and sign up.
14. Pick a free classified site like US FREEADS, to sign up to.
15. Go to askyahoo and find out what problems people are having in your niche. Take 10 questions that stand out as the best and base that as your blog titles. Write the first blog post.
16. Go to aweber and set up your autoresponder so you can put the code on your blog. Design the form, and then place code on your page.
17. Sign up for Google Adsense.
18. Write one article a day or every other day.
19. Make a contribution to your forums, blogs, and place a free classified ad every day.
20. Write one email autoresponder message once every three days.
21. Follow the every day tasks, and listen to what your expert mentor is telling you. Listen to him 10-20% of your time, and work the rest. Progress is key to your success.

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