Friday, January 1, 2010

How to seo for beginners

How to SEO - Get your page quickly indexed in Google

SEO has insiders information that only the search engines know. Few People have mastered the art of ranking for any keyword phrase they want to generate mass or minimal traffic. If you type your site into Google with the full url, how many results does it show? If it says no results found, you do not exist as far as that engine is concerned.

If you are new to Internet Marketing or just want to learn about seo, you are in the right place. There are endless amounts of keyword phrases, which have high levels of competition. The big question is how to seo? First pick the keyword phrase that you want to target. Google does have a keyword tool that can come in handy.

 I don't recommend using only Goggles free keyword tool for specific reasons. The most important is that the tool does not include data that paid tools include. The amount of websites that you will be competing with would be nice to know. With the free tool you don't get to see that. You can manually put in quotes each keyword, but that will be very labor intensive.

 I recommend a paying keyword tool. The data that you get with a paid keyword tool is far more supreme to learn how to seo. The amount of people making websites targeting a specific keyword is extremely important to know.
If you were going for a job interview and there were two hundred thousand people applying, it gives you a far less chance of getting the job. Same job, but 50 people applying makes your chances to shine a lot easier. It’s the same with keyword competition.

The same ways you look at the amount of people applying you need to look at the caliber of applicants that you are going up against. If you only had a high school degree, and a lot of applicants had master’s degrees, then you don't stand much of a chance. The same applies on the front page rankings of Google. Google has a page rank system. The page ranks range from zero to ten being the highest. If your site is brand new than you are automatically a zero page rank.
If the keyword that you are searching for has nothing but page rank five and six ranking sites dominating first page, don't even try. You can set this as a goal to build an authority site, but don't make it your first goal. Your first goal should be a much quicker attainable accomplishment. If you see sites that rank zero to three, you have more of a chance to dominate the keyword.

If you see article sites on front, web 2.0 pages, video sites on first page you can get to top page without years passing buy. The site that you are reading this on is the top article site on the world wide web. Look up alexa rankings with ezine. They are one of the top three hundred sites on the Internet. The lower the alexa ranking the more dominant the site is.
Ezine does review all your articles, and can deny you. If you layout well thought out original content, you will not have a problem. Article marketing is one very powerful way of getting indexed in Google. Once you have your target keyword you put that in the title, description and body a few times. You can use an article spinner and make changes to spin article up to fifty times.

Never go out on websites and give them duplicate content. The search engines frown upon that. You want to leave value and original content. So how to seo is my keyword phrase. It has high searches but has low ranking sites on Google's first page. Download Firefox browser with seo quake plug-in to see the page ranks information.
Go to the most popular article sites, social bookmarking, web 2.0 sites, and free blogs. Add content in forms of articles, and link them back to your blog or website.  If you have a new website, hold off on putting in affiliate links until you are indexed.
Once you are, put the affiliate links back in website. Make sure you keep focus with keyword how to seo. High page ranking sites are going to give you more power in the search engines eyes. Try to connect with only dominant websites so each link back to your websites counts.

 Don't keyword stuff your keyword how to seo, only one every hundred words is ok. Have fun writing about what you are passionate about. Write a schedule of what you will do while you are online, and stick to it.