Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pay Attention Very Closely SEO is the biggest driving Factor in this Industry. If you are not utilizing it, you are begging for Traffic!

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. What that means on a broad breakdown beginner perspective I will explain.

You first have to look at the #1 Search Engine that has over 110 million daily page views. Google is a beast like Walmart is in the physical products Industry.

Google is a Search Engine first, but has many other tools which I will show you throughout these courses. In the end I will have a section to give you all the tools, resourses, and links to free and paying sources.

A search engine searches off of Keyword Phrases. There are millions of different variations of different words put together to find content based around the search. If you were seeking a way to make money off the Internet you type in Make Money off Internet, or Make Money Online.

When you go to a search engine and type in what you are looking for, you make it specific by adding extra words to describe it. For example if you wanted something easy, and like a job to make money online you might type in : Easy Job on Internet.

Each search term will take you to different sets of webpages below. The websites down directly below are what alot of people tend to look at first. Mainly because they are the most convient to view and they are not the paying advertiser sites.

The way you view Search Engine is the way we all view it when searching. The reason I explain SEO, is to let you know how often it is used and how important it is that you are on the first page for different search terms.

When you get your results you will most commonly look on the first page, maybe 2nd, rarely 3rd and on. To get on the 1st page requires you to have information on how to make your page rank above those other sites.

How will you do this? The first tool is to see how many people are searching for that term, and a way to look at thousands of terms in a matter of minutes. Heres a free tool that Google gives you.

Each Website, Blog, Article, Ad, Social Networking Site, Forum Comment, etc should always have ranking high in Search Engine ranking in its best Interest.

That is the reason I mention this up front. Look at the advantages. You have a mass amount of people that make all of the different .com sites and most do not make SEO the biggest priority in bringing traffic.

Ultimately the biggest goal is to get traffic to your website to ultimately buy the different products that you recommend to you. Traffic/Conversions right? Think about it for a second if you are doing all of these different sites how are you going to get traffic.

Well think of a conventional method that most people think that they have to take. You post comments on forums, notes on Social Networking Sites, Make Online Catchy ads in places like Free Ads, connect to other bloggers.

All of these are good things to do, but they are time consuming and dont you wish you could have the traffic come to you? Well if you make a website per one keyword phrase and dominate that phrase, then you will be bringing traffic to you, without having to ask for it.

That by far is a more efficient, and will free up time to work on building more content quality websites, and dominate more keywords to make more conversions/sales.

The other way is what you see most startup Affiliate Marketers doing. I did it myself in the beginning. I made $148 in my first couple weeks of learning and implementing my exhausing go to customers marketing.

It can get frustrating, because you can write Articles, and do Blogs, and write on forums, and have your Twitter, and My Space, and You Tube going soft selling your recommendations but it is time consuming.

Didnt you get online to find a way of promoting that doesnt require you to be a complete workaholic. You probably have a full time job or full time school maybe job too. The point is, you cant afford to work several hours more a day with no real strategic approach to getting traffic. Of course not!

So imprint this into your brain SEO is the Core of how you can get to 1st page rank and get free targeted traffic on auto pilot. I figured this out after going through all of the other methods. I don't want you to have to go through putting in energy to be on page 50 of Googles search results.

That is what we are aiming for. Is to be on 1st page of Googles results for your Keyword Phrase. On the next part we will use Googles keyword tool and find keywords you have better chance of dominating in.

You do your additional research when you have time. The more knowledgeable you are in your Industry the more likely you will be able to build this Mythical Auto Pilot System you hear Guru's Speak of.

It is real, its just complicated, and does take alot of time to build. Necessary resources, tools, knowledge and mentors to guide you through this Online Battleground.


Keyword Research - SEO #1 Factor

Whenever you set up a site of some kind you should look at the keyword phrase that you want to target and make sure that you do neccessary steps to ensure it getting a better chance of ending up on 1st page for its keyword.

Unfortunately getting to the first page for a keyword phrase can be extremely difficult for even low number search phrases. There will be one thing that will hold consistent. The higher the number of searches per month, the more chance of more elite competition.

That means if a keyword phrase has hundreds of thousands to million per month, you as a beginner have no way of getting to front page through SEO of your site. The competition at the front page has thousands of reputable back links, long life of domain, and have done excellent SEO to their multi link page.

Taking the advice of a SEO pro is definitely the best way to go. I am currently going through George Brown's Google Sniper course. Very useful tips that this 18 year old semi guru is giving. Many strategies before you even join his course.

Keyword research is the most complicated to master, because of the rapid changing result shifts. One week you could get to 1st page, next week you could land on 10th. The main point I am trying to make is that you need to always stay updated on things to do, to keep your sites in heavy competition for ranking.

Doing research on the search engines through tens to thousands of pages is going to get you a lot of wisdom and potent information that will only help you. Don't stop with my info, get as much powerful impactful info as you can. Just make sure you are implementing what you learn, and sticking to your plan.

Googles keyword tool is actually very good for it to be a free tool. There are many keyword tools, and services that are advertised on the Internet. I suggest if you are not making that much money or any, to stick with Googles keyword tool for your keyword research.

Once you get yourself established and make consistent money, then you should step into different Keyword tools to enhance your results. There is a saying, you get what you pay for. Google gives away this free tool, but it does not compete with the tools that you have to pay for.

In my recommended tools and resources section I will outline the best keywords tool for the price.

I want you to know that there is a much better resource up front. Also that you should utilize this tool, because its a pretty decent free tool, that will get you alot for nothing.

Start using the keyword tool by typing in a broad search term in your niche. For demonstration purposes type in Make Money Online. Lets look at our results.

This brings up 150 related keywords, and 50 keywords to consider. You can bring these terms into a spread sheet or in css into a notepad document. You can view alot of data about each keyword.

The amount that you would pay to get into 1-3 place in google. You get to see thru a spectrum bar the level of competition for that search term. An empty bar being no competition and full bar being fierce competition.

You get the info for the amount of people that searched for the term the month before. To the right of Local Search Volume is the average monthly search results.

The results can also show you a trends graph, and the highest month of searches for each keyword phrase. You can get different data by searching for the results in different ways.

Alot of people are going to search for the term by just typing in the term, which is the broad way. This way will bring different search engine results than if you were to search for it with exact.

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