Friday, December 25, 2009

Millionaires Club?

Millionaires Club

Lets take a look at the different choices you can make that will ensure a higher chance of a Bright Financial Future. I will also take you through the pros and cons of what these work choices will bring you Short term and Long Term.

This course is not just for what to do to Make Money Online. It is designed to Improve your Mindstate to think like the Rich and break away from Long Term ball and chain mindset of Trading Time For Money.

Job Industry 0% - You will never make a million a year working any job. You are literally trading time for money based on a certain wage per hour or salary per bi week or month. In this Industry if you stay only in the Job Industry you have no chance of attaining a wealthy status and financially freeing yourself before 55 or 65.

You do need a steady stream of Income coming in, and your Job is the best at bringing that. Your Job is necessary in the whole equasion. I would never advise you to quit your job until you are making at least 3 times that on the Internet in less time with websites.

You will need your job to keep paying those necessary bills, and the future overhead that will be necessary to auto pilot your system.

The 10% Club- 90% of recent Millionaires have manifested their wealth Online. I name the other 10% a club in itself because this holds most of the other Industries. The professionals inside that list below are also in the 90% group because they used the Internet to Excel their business to unthinkable profits.

If you do not use the Internet as a form of Marketing/ Exposure for your business but can make a million a year at least you are of a rare breed putting you in the 10% club. Most professions now utilitze the Internet as a valuable tool.

The make it as a millionaire in the 10% Club requires you to be one of the best in the World at what you. Athlete, Entertainer, Actor, Lawyer, Investor, Business Owner, Producer, Politician, Director, Scientist, Doctor, Broadcaster, Songwriter, Inventor, Technical Background, Consultant, Advisor, Manager, Realtor, Loan officers, Mortgage Broker, etc.

The easiest way to explain How People get Rich is to look at the numbers inside their target market and the profit amount per product. One apparent thing is obvious. You need to have thousands, to hundreds of thousands to millions of people to buy something you are promoting. Something you influence, a product or service you have involvement in.

The reason the 10% club requires you to be such an elite status is that every one of those positions above are fiercely competitive. More competitive than you could ever imagine. You also have a disadvantage if you only deal with a local target marketplace.

Let me explain. In each city that you live in you might at the most have several million for the big cities. If you are a business owner or a realtor for example your target population is local. Your form of products or service is in a physical form limiting you to an area with a limited radius.

In that city you only have a few million people. The Internet holds 1.5 Billion People. 1.5 Billion comparing to a few Million is your first blatant comparison on how the Internet crushes the 10% groups marketplace.

Inside the 10% group their are more feasible and logical strategies to take. Real Estate holds an Infinite amount of target market, spanning across the whole world. It requires your approach to be on a local start as a realtor. There are thousands of realors in some cities.

Real Estate similar to the Internet. You usually work off of a 100% commission . If you were to shut this computer off and never take an Interest in Making Money Online, know that Real Estate is the most logical Industry to follow to become rich, right after the Internet.

The Big Juggernut Industry World Wide Web 90%- 23% of the World uses and connects to the World Wide Web. is the biggest Search Engine on the Web and is used by a huge percentage of Web users.

The Internet also brings the most Intimidating persona. You get targeted at every page it seems like with constant Marketing Attempts. The number of offers on the Internet is so crowded you will see them on almost every page you travel to Online.

To compete in a heavily targeted proffession of Internet Marketing requires you to have elite knowledge, unique leadership capabilities, and ability to Implement the system of the Gurus who are dominating, this Industry.

You have heard all of the claims: Make $50,000 your first Month. - Make $10,000 in 5 days - The outrageous claims that will guarantee their course or software or ebook, or videos will make you rich.

They all claim to be the savior riding in on a white horse, and saving you from working your whole life. They say they make incredible earning amounts and give you pictures, testimonials, features, life story, videos, audio, on and on.

They say their are only a certain amount of spots left, and you have a certain amount of time to get their product. They want you to opt in to their Email List to get a free Incredible Video or ebook, or Newsletter, etc.

Sound familiar? The cutting edge gurus are using a slightly different method than just promising you the world and then spamming you thru email.

A marketer promising you the world, and then requiring you to pay them for their product or another persons product limits your range of trust with them.

People don't want to have to enter in their Credit Cards to hear your Information. They want Info that is Valuable and Free, so their is no risk of being scammed.

The new age marketers that have advanced this role first giving you alot of free valuable workable info. That gives you the ability to build trust and build parts of your system that can help you make profit before having to even bring your Credit Card out.

Yes, they might try to sell you something intially, but they make sure you exchange email with them to keep in contact and build your trust, through the Free Info method.

If you are reading this paragraph notice that I have told you in a simple way how to become different than a relentless Sales agent. You become a leader who educates his peers and has a way to still profit through giving advice linking people to necessary tools in building your Online Business.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Affiliate code review

I have bought the affiliate code, and it is incredible. Michael Jones is revealing some stuff that will make other Guru's pissed. If you are a beginner and have not understood the steps of making money on the Internet, you need this. Even if you have been on the Internet for years, you want this.

Michael breaks the system down in to 8 modules. Each module is extremely important. He gives you the broad view of the Internet and then guides you thru the details you need to know. The best part about the system is that the methods he teaches are free. Yes, FREE.

This is not a course on Pay Per Click, like many other Guru products. This product takes you by the hand and explains the secrets you have been desparately searching for. The part I was most interested in was the Traffic Module, and he blew me away. In my opinion, Mike could of sold this for 10 times the amount and still would of made a large pay day.

There will be a insane bonus that you will get.

By the way, this is no glorified Ebook, the course has multiple hours of step by step videos that will blow you away.
Course 1: Choosing Your Niche

Video 1 Introduction

Video 2 Choose Your Niche

Video 3 Niches Importance

Video 4 Make Money from Home Niche

Video 5 The Real Money

Video 6 What Makes a Great Niche?

Video 7 Resources you’ll need to have

Video 8 Small Market Test

Video 9 Live Setup of a Campaign

Video 9 is a must see. You get to look over Michael's shoulder literally and watch him pick his niche, do his keyword phrase research and get his marketing campaign going.

Module 2: Picking Your Product
Video 1 Picking your Product

Video 2 Its not a Guessing Game

Video 3 Rules for Success

Video 4 CJ Live Presentation

Module 3: Tech Talk Site Setup This module is not going to give you a full computer programming course. What it will do is show you how to set up a site from scratch.

Video 1 Overview

Video 2 Why do You Need a Website

Video 3 Tools

Video 4 How to Setup a Site

Module 4: Using an Autoresponder - Building a list is important and crucial to keeping relationships. These videos are important for once you start getting traffic. The more leads you get on your list, the more potential profit you can make.

Video 1 The Power of a List and Auto-responder

Video 2 Why You Need an Email Autoresponder

Video 3 How To Set Up An Autoresponder

NOTE: Video 3 covers the basics of setting up an Email Autoresponder. Its fairly basic, but you need to know this.

Module 5: Copywriting 101 Copywriting is the writing on a website. Have you ever wondered why a particular website seems so irressitable, and makes you take immediate action? Its the copywriting. This module is important for affiliate marketers and for Vendors.

Video 1 Overview

Video 2 Create Urgency

Video 3 The How to Approach

Video 4 Sizzling Copy

Video 5 The Job of the Headline

Video 6 Top Headlines of All Time

Video 7 The Power of Scarcity

Video 8 Cut to The Chase

Video 9 The Call for Action

Module 6: Driving FREE Traffic – This is my favorite section. My warning to you is to follow the methods he gives you, but don't use all Wordpress Multi user blogs. Use multiple web2.0 sites, article sites, social bookmarking, social networking, groups, forums, etc.

The Wordpress MU owners are not happy about people attaching on to their blogs.

Video 1 Free Traffic

Video 2 Free Traffic Complementary Product

Video 3 Launch Your Assault

Video 4 Killer Technique for Getting on the First Page of Google.

Module 7: Tracking Tracking is the most overlooked part of affiliate marketers schedule. I would say niche selection and tracking are the big 2 most overlooked. In this module you'll find out why big Guru's make so much compared to you.

Video 1 Introduction

Video 2 Overview the System

Video 3 Putting it all together

Video 4 Implementation

Module 8: Scaling it Up. This module gives you the insight to how to increase your sales and invest your money back in to make more and more money.

Video 1 Overview

Video 2 Building your empire.
He gives you a bonus 45 min ad on traffic assult video. The Affiliate code is well worth the money. You add on the bonuses that I am adding on, and this is the buy of a lifetime. After this purchase if you are not making money in 60 days, you can return the course and get a full refund.

The greatest part about a digital course is that you get access immediately.






Friday, December 18, 2009

The Blueprint from Helicopter View - You need the details

This is the blueprint that you can see from afar, but you need the gritty details to succeed in each region.

Blog Creations- keyword focus - Make Money While Online is my focus for this blog
Forum Comments - Do Follow
Web 2.0 sites ex: squidoo, hub pages
Blog Comments - Do Follow
Social Networks - Ex: Twitter, Myspace, Facebook
Social Bookmarking sites- Ex: Digg
Article Sites: Biggest : Ezine Articles
Online Classifieds - Ex: FreeUsAds, Craigslist
Groups - Ex: Google Groups, Ask Yahoo
Article Directories -
Press Release
Release Rights
Video Hosting - You Tube is biggest 80 million hits a day

(All of those sites are SEO to link to Webpage/Blog/Salespage)
(Keyword is in domain of sites linking to main site)
Those sites link to your Webpage you created. OR Blogger or Wordpress Blog. OR Straight to the Sales Page.

In my case and most people who can't deal with the technical side we will link to a Blogger free site or Wordpress with Hosting. Seeing is believing. You can have a free Blogger site and still rank for a high searched profitable keyword.

My proof is to look up Make Money Online and notice how a .Blogspot comes up. Take a look at the screenprint.

The 1st position is the .blogspot which means that the website is free from Google. This next screenprint shows there is another .Blogspot free website in the 3rd position. This is proof that you can get massive traffic from free websites without having to use hosting.

Man do I wish that these were my sites. Lets look at the keyword search amount for this keyword Make Money Online.

Look at Google's Keyword Search Result. It would cost you $2.85 estimated to get one click to be on first page of Google. This keyword search phrase gets 673,000 hits a month in searches. Incredible traffic for one keyword. How did these sites do it? SEO on Page and off page. So broad of an answer, but I will explain through a show and prove experiment that I will have to succeed to even gain your trust.

Many people, including me can give it to you in paragraph form. I can go on for 5 pages on SEO tips. When really it comes down to a real life case study that reveals a method that will be crystal clear. Traffic is what you need and you don't have a huge amount of patience.

That is why I will volunteer to go into the chemist lab and won't leave until I see alot of traffic. You know you need to link from authority sites back to main site to link to salespage. You have been building up those blogs and linking from all types of places to try to dominate your keyword phrase.

In my first experiment it will take place over a 15-30 course of time. Follow me on next post to get the gritty details of my Real Life Case Study for this Blog. By the way this keyword phrase that I attempting to dominate is Make Money While Online. Lets take a look at a screenprint of that search amount so you know the stats.

As you see it has only 1,600 searches a month. Which is a little more than 50 searches a day. Really no traffic, right? Yes you are right. The reason why I am targeting this is for a SEO experiment. To see if my experiment will work short term for low keyword searches. If I can dominate that keyword in the next 15-30 days and get some traffic from it, it is a small step in the right direction.

We both have one thing in common. We are tired of putting in countless hour after hour of work, research, money, and stress. If you are not successfully making over a couple grand a month than you feel how I feel. Like pulling your hair out. Vulnerable to buy the next program, because the last didn't work.

I am not asking for your email or that you take a trial or send you to a sales link. No, I am trying to build your trust, and respect. I will be your case study. I will not be visible to you during the time of the case study. The same way that you have your site up, and chances are I will never see it. You are not ranking for a high ranking search term.

I find sites thru the search engine or authority sites.

Meta Tag Generator

You know by now that you need Meta Tags in the code for your website. You want to put them above the body. Let me give you a screen print example.

Using the Meta Tags in the description will let Google and other search engines know what you want them to consider as the keywords content, and the frequency of how often they visit your site. There are alot of other meta tags, but those two I just mentioned are very important.

The site I took the screen shot is from the site that produces meta tag coding for free. Notice how they have over a hundred keywords. They are definitely trying to dominate multiple words. The higher their page rank strength increases the more keywords they will dominate. Their content also has to use the keywords and use in bold and links to earn more ranking for Google.

Use this tool for your website.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Getting Traffic thru Video Marketing

Without further ado, here's our list of the Top Ten Video Sharing Sites

2) VideoEgg
3) Dailymotion
4) YouTube
5) Veoh
6) Google Video
7) Grouper
8) Jumpcut
9) AOL
10) Eyespot

Video Marketing can be an extremely effective method to getting traffic to your websites. Sign up to each of these sites and add your videos to your channel.

The video can be done with a tool called Jing. You will see an example of how I use Jing to upload a file to you tube and to other video sites. The name that I choose is a case study for yourself.

The tags will be found with research done on the video site and with Googles Keyword Tool. Getting views to your video can mean people clicking to your website. I imagine if you are a beginner at affiliate marketing you have the most trouble with getting people to come to your website.

You have control of what your title is, the description, the tags, and the video itself. There are some people on you tube not even marketing that are recieving thousands of views a day. For the title and the tags.

There is also a site that you can get points for watching videos that will get you more views. I will be your test dummy if you want to make sure that video marketing has results.

If your reading my blog well I got you here. I want to let you know that I am a student of affiliate marketing as well as a mentor. I will only reccommend the best courses for you.

Quick Video Marketing now... Click here!

Quick Video

Re-Tweet this message

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Make Money While Online - Start from Scratch - Part 1

Methods of Getting Traffic and the Secret Behind Success
$   Make Money While Online   $

The Internet is filled with Writers, Marketers, Programmers, Network Marketers, Website Design Pros, Software Designers, Speakers, Educators, Regular People with talents or a vast amount of knowledge in different niches.

The thing that all successful people have in common is Very Strong Discipline. Lets look at the definition of discipline from Wikipedia. If you don't have strong discipline, good time management, and super successful mentors and resources helping you that is the reason you have not made it as an entreprenuer.
Sorry to put this bluntly, YOU are the one stopping YOU to be Rich. What you have to do is look at life as one massive journey and think of the years as a timeline to your achievements that you will be working towards. If you look inside the definition of Dicipline, the answer to how to be super successful at what you do is determined by your discipline and time management.
Having a good mentor is an advantage but it is not necessary.

The reasons why people keep paying for Internet Marketing Course after course is that they have poor discipline so their not really sticking to any kind of schedule and completing every single thing that that Guru is saying to do.Be honest with yourself. I want this revolution and discovery in your life sink in. Did you know that Highly Successful people are strong leaders.

They work to become an expert at what they are good at or what they put their mind too. It can be anything. Skateboarding- Tony Hawk . Golf- Tiger Woods. Radio Broadcasting - Jim Rome. All of these people work extremely hard to become the best at what they do. They possess excellent discipline in their passion and turn their talents into money.  You want to Make Extra Money Online so your schedule should include the steps to doing just that. The secret to getting traffic is done in 4 different ways.

1. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - This first requires keyword research, market research. On page SEO, and strong backlinks. There is expert advice on about every area inside of Affiliate Marketing. This product absolutely blows the rest away when it comes to SEO knowledge.
The product was made by an 18 year old who has dominated Googles front page with multiple pages. He has figured out how to do that with any website that he creates. He has a system that he shows you. He teaches in video and written. I myself have bought this course and I have these secrets in my vault.

SEO optimization is the most powerful way of getting traffic, because you get people looking for what you have on your site. You also don't have to spend any money to get to top of Google and you get consistent traffic if you achieve 1st page results. If you would like to look at Georges page Click Here


As part of the rules of the FTC affiliate marketers are required to let the visitor know that we do make a percentage of the sale if you buy from the product we are promoting. So I do recieve a commission if you buy any of the products that I review and recommend. This does not alter the price. It is the same, just the product owner doesnt get 100% commission. So its I help you, help me, to help the product owner help you.

2. Video Viral Marketing - Example : You Tube leads to your website - Video Marketing is taking over the Internet. You Tube is a massive video hosting site, and a household name. Its not just putting a video up and expecting it to get traffic. There is a technique behind getting traffic to the videos. You Tube is not the only video hosting site, their are several.

You want to listen to the experts until you master an area that you can create your product on. We as affiliate marketers are the middle men of Information to get people in gear. Video Marketing like SEO is not an easy task. There are many programs that talk about Video Marketing, but don't prove its effectiveness.

Quick Video Marketing has multiple Case Studies with documented success based on the teachings from their strategies. You want to start off with one of the 3 main ways of getting traffic. If you are more of a writer who wants to climb up the ranks from SEO, then choose the SEO way.

If you are a person who likes speaking and making videos definitely take this route of Quick Video Marketing. Check the website out by Clicking Here.  Down below is one of the case studies that benefited from using Quick Video Marketing.

3. PPC - Pay Per Click - This method can guarantee you traffic with an effective text or banner ad. You pay to get to the front page of Google. This method can make you money, and is how some advertisers make alot of their money. They don't have to deal with Seo to get traffic, they just have to deal with effectiveness of their ads. This method can be extremely expensive, and not recommended for anyone with little money. The two areas for Pay Per click is on websites and Search Engines.  Examples: Google Pay Per Click biggest for search engines, and IBrite for PPC on many choices of sites.

If you go this route be ready for some overhead. At least $50 a day, but can climb to $200 a day or more easily, for more competitive keywords. I highly suggest taking the best course out there in PPC. The course that blows away all other courses for PPC is PPC Bully. I dont want to write a whole page about the course. I am stressing that you that if you are Interested in Marketing with Pay Per Click you should learn from the best teacher. Click Here for Real Proof from the "PPC Expert."

Heres a Webinar from the owner of PPC Bully so you can get a feel for how he teaches his students.

   PPV- Pay Per View (Impressions) - This method is very similar to Pay Per Click but instead of someone paying per person that clicks on their ad, they pay for everytime their ad appears on someones computer screen. This method can be effective, but requires extremely effective ads.

This method of Pay Per View has been around for quite some time. Mass PPV Traffic owners have mastered their own technique of bringing traffic to their webpage with their highly effective ads. Pay Per View was not viewed by most marketers as smart because of the conversion rates for Impression ads.

For your ad to appear on someone's page can easily prove to be a waste of money because if no one clicks your ad, then you still have to pay for it appearing on their computer screen. This method can get expensive like the PPC strategies.

The product owner's behid Mass PPV Traffic are definitely experts on this area. They pull in massive amounts of traffic and leads using Pay Per View methods. If you are interested in paying for traffic than you should definitely take a look around the website.


James I don't have any Technical Skills and I am scared to fail! I don't know how to set up a Website and don't want to learn. What can I do to get past that? 

You are not alone in this frustration. Me and you are not Computer Programmers and never want to be. They have an advantage because they can make cool looking websites that have all the features needed to succeed. There is an alternative, a blog.

Starting a blog is free and allows you to put a webpage on the Internet that anyone can view. There are so many people with blogs that they are overlooked if you don't stand out. With any site you make, you will have to get traffic to that site to be able to make any sort of money from it.

If you want an expert on Blogs, I'll give you the best in this group at building and marketing with Blogs.
Blogging to the Bank is how I learned all of my methods for promoting my Blog, and how you found your way to this page. I chose to stick with Blogs, and slowly learn HTML as I go.

The worst thing for you to do is to do nothing but constant learning with no implementing of what you learn. I chose SEO as my method of attaining traffic. It can be complicated but is the most rewarding because the traffic flow you create was created only with time, and will not cost you money.

I suggest that you make a decision on which way you will get your traffic. SEO, Video Marketing, or PPC/PPV. Once you decide that, then decide whether you will create a website, or start a blog.
Click Here to take a tour of Rob Benwell's Blogging to the Bank.

Your Dedicated Affiliate Marketing Mentor

Methods of Exposure

Go into the related Forums and Create Quality Backlinks

Like Blog commenting or blog posting Forums also can give you quality backlinks . Forum posting is another effective way to get backlinks which may indexed soon. But it is a bit more time consuming. But if you are doing link building, you must use as many ways as possible to get plenty of backlinks. And Forum posting is one of the many free approaches you can use. Find a wonderful list High PageRank Forums. Make some good posts, get your links indexed soon. 9


Building Backlinks in Multiple Ways

So there is some info on Blogs and Forum backlinking. Lets talk about all the other sites you can go to list your site to get some backlinks and exposure for your websites.

Along with Blogs and Forums you have: Directories, Articles, Online Classified Ads, Social Networking Sites, Podcast networks, Video Hosting Sites. These different avenues of exposure are vital for you to use.

Look at all of your backlinks as exposure for your site as well as another. You want the site you leave your link to be extremely reputable and relevant to your site. You want the theme to be similar content so the traffic from the people searching the keyword will find bost sites useful

With each of the different sources of exposure comes a different form of networking with other members. One thing remains the same is that you are passing along information that will be helpful and relevant to the topic at hand.

If you are on a forum you are making a statement to give contribution to a thread. If you are article marketing you are making a body of work 300-500 words that are covering a discussion topic, and targeting a keyword phrase.

If you are commenting on a blog it is directly related to one of the blog creators post, and should either ask a question or give additional info or opinion.

When you are in a directory you want to submit your site to get listed on relevant directories where people can find your website like a book in the library. If you are on a social networking site you have a representation page that you network with the other members.

Your social networking page can have many exposure forms inside of that. Videos, images, blogs, articles, groups that you join. You Tube is the biggest of the video hosting companies but definitely not the only reputable company. There are many of those which I will discuss in the Video Hosting section.

In each of the main course sections will be listing for many of the top companies for that category. So in the Blogging there will be several top blogging sites to create your blog. As well as many top blogs that you can make contributions on and gain backlinks.

Articles section will have the top places to submit your article. Articles are also a good way of connecting with the Authors blogs, forum, video hosting, social networking, podcasting, squeeze page/sales site.

All of the places you will want to gain backlinks will be the array of all of the different exposure methods that I mention throughout the course. I wanted to give you a taste of having lists of reputable sites to give contribution to.

There will be many more links inside of each of the courses related to that particular exposure form. If you haven't noticed the trend your sites are going to be playing connect the dots. You will be a member of so many sites that you will have to keep an organized list of places you have sites and sites you joined as subsciber.

Social Networking is ultimately what you are doing. You are doing it for financial gain so you must build the trust and respect of any one who you want to ever take your advice and buy a product or service based on what you have presented.

You can have a 100 sites that you run, in multiple formats, and still not make any real money. You can also have 5 sites and have a ton of sales coming in. The best way to start is to make it manageable so you can first make a few sites have profit, and start building those up, and ultimately duplicate to many.

You definitely want to think quality versus quanity. You want to have your money sites be the focus of all of the dots you will be connecting to it.

When you sign up you provide your name and email and other basic, but mainly your email is why I mention this. You need a squeeze page to your money page. This page is very valuable because it captures a way to further contact a potential lead, and build your image with them.

You also want your money page to be a page that will be profitable if your visitor goes through one of your Anchor text links. You want the site itself to be free to enter for the Information there.

You do not want to make a sales letter to lead to a sales letter. You want a site designed to give the vistor valuable info in videos, written, interactive info. The many sources of exposure like your articles, your forum comments, your video hosting sites will link back to your money sites to gather leads info and provide a site that is a source of fresh relevant info.

When you are creating the Backlinks in Multiple Forms remember to stay as organized as possible and build a list of sites that you will create your websites, blogs, forums, videos, press release, articles, social networking sites, Online ads, Groups, chat rooms, directories, and podcasts.

What are Backlinks and why you need them?!

What is a Backlink?

This definition is straight from Wikipedia the free encylopedia:

Backlinks (or back-links [UK]) are incoming links to a website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (though other measures, such as PageRank, are likely to be more important). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page.

In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node (Björneborn and Ingwersen, 2004). Backlinks are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

Search engine rankings

Search engines often use the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the most important factors for determining that website's search engine ranking. Websites often employ various techniques (called search engine optimization, usually shortened to SEO) to increase the number of backlinks pointing to their website.

Some methods are free for use by everyone whereas some methods like linkbaiting requires quite a bit of planning and marketing to work. Some websites stumble upon "linkbaiting" naturally; the sites that are the first with a tidbit of 'breaking news' about a celebrity are good examples of that.

When "linkbait" happens, many websites will link to the 'baiting' website because there is information there that is of extreme interest to a large number of people.

There are several factors that determine the value of a backlink. Backlinks from authoritative sites on a given topic are highly valuable. If both sites have content geared toward the keyword topic, the backlink is considered relevant and believed to have strong influence on the search engine rankings of the webpage granted the backlink.

A backlink represents a favorable 'editorial vote' for the receiving webpage from another granting webpage. Another important factor is the anchor text of the backlink. Anchor text is the descriptive labeling of the hyperlink as it appears on a webpage. Search engine bots (i.e., spiders, crawlers, etc.) examine the anchor text to evaluate how relevant it is to the content on a webpage.

Anchor text and webpage content congruency are highly weighted in search engine results page (SERP) rankings of your webpage with respect to any given keyword query by a search engine user.

End of Wikipedia definition


If you have been competing in this Online Battleground you have heard about backlinks. The easiest way to put a baclink on another page is thru blogs. The search engines while searching that site will see your anchor text link and credit you as having a backlink back to your site. Blog Owners can and do set their comment section to be necessary for them to approve your link and text before it posts.

Related blogs with high traffic will carry more clout as a backlink for rankings. Its best not to do aggressive marketing because it will give you less chance of getting your comment with your anchor text link posted.

Most of the blog owners even won’t approve comments with ‘irrelevant or no value’ contents. So while commenting on blogs take care of this. Make your comment with 2-3 sentences at least and with some related stuff to the blog.


Building Quality Backlinks

Do you know that more than 60% of the whole business happening on the world wide web is coming from Search Engine Page Results (SERP)?. It’s always a very important thing to target this. If you are targeting a particular keyword for your business your success depends on the search engine ranking improvement of that.

And always search engine rank placement of a website directly proportional ~ to your Quality Backlinks. If you can achieve high SERP placement there is no doubt that you will get more traffic. This leads to more sales conversions and hence more money. This is the reason why seo services and seo experts always run behind Quality Backlinks.

Because Google and similar search engines select the websites on SEO optimization and on the quality of the backlinks and of course the number of such links too. Here the most essential thing you need is the Search Engine Placement.

It’s common sense that the pages displayed on the top positions would be getting the maximum number of visitors and hence sales. This the first reason why you should give priority to the search engine ranking improvement.

Getting Listed in Directories

If you are serious about your Web presence, getting listed in directories like DMOZ and Yahoo is a must – not only because this is a way to get some quality backlinks for free, but also because this way you are easily noticed by both search engines and potential visitors. Generally registration and listing in search directories is free but the drawback is that sometimes you have to wait weeks to months before you get listed in the categories of your choice.

Affiliate Marketing Blogs - HOLDS OVER 300 Internet Marketing Related Blogs. This website is amazing. Allows you to find directories of different blogs in your niche. What a service!

These blogs can help you create a revolution with your seo efforts. Search engines find your sites pretty fast in case of dofollow links and these links will be counted as good backlinks. If you could find some high PR do follow blogs with a good comment approving percentage you may get pretty good number of quality links. These links share link juice going out to other sites. and hence improves the SE attention of your sites.

Go into the related Forums and Create Quality Backlinks

Continuing with Keywords


1. Insert keywords within the title tag so that search engine robots will know what your page is about. The title tag is located right at the top of your document within the head tags. Inserting a keyword or key phrase will greatly improve your chances of bringing targeted traffic to your site.

Make sure that the title tag contains text which a human can relate to. The text within the title tag is what shows up in a search result. Treat it like a headline.

2. Use the same keywords as anchor text to link to the page from different pages on your site. This is especially useful if your site contains many pages. The more keywords that link to a specific page the better.

3. Make sure that the text within the title tag is also within the body of the page. It is unwise to have keywords in the title tag which are not contained within the body of the page.

Adding the exact same text for your h1 tag will tell the reader who clicks on your page from a search engine result that they have clicked on the correct link and have arrived at the page where they intended to visit. Robots like this too because now there is a relation between the title of your page and the headline.

Also, sprinkle your keywords throughout your article. The most important keywords can be bolded or colored in red. A good place to do this is once or twice in the body at the top of your article and in the sub-headings.

4. Do not use the exact same title tag on every page on your website. Search engine robots might determine that all your pages are the same if all your title tags are the same. If this happens, your pages might not get indexed.

5 Title tags for text links. Insert the title tag within the HTML of your text link to add weight to the link and the page where the link resides. This is like the alt tag for images.

6. Submit to the search engines yourself. If you use a submission service or submission software do extensive research on that company to find past results for their clients. If the company does an ineffective job your site can get site penalized or even banned from ranking on search engines.

Here is the submission page for google:

To submit your site to Yahoo crawlers go to

If you have been thinking about handing over the task of SEO to someone outside of yourself, you should do extensive research on your own before parting with any money. It is hard to distinguish the products that will deliver on the product, because they both swear they are the real deal.

Utilizing the money back guarantee will ultimately ensure that you will not get screwed from a weak product or service. If the product is from Household name like a Clickbank, you can guarantee that you can always get your money back in the stated time given.


Keyword Tips Continued

It would be a waste of your time to optimize your website for keywords that are not even being searched for. Therefore you should invest some energy into finding the best keywords. There are several SEO tools available on the Internet to help you find the best keywords. Tip: Don't be deceived by organizations that require you to register first. The free resource is the Google keyword tool that brings the most power and search results for free Is another commonly used tool but has limited free use. Word Tracker is most effective if you pay for it on a monthly recurring or a year fee. When you are making money consistenly with many free methods, definitely consider adding this as an upgrade to Googles Free Tool.

Word Tracker gives you much more theral analysis of keywords, competitors information, websites competing and many more features that you miss out by taking the free route. "You get what you pay for." Word Tracker is just one of the tools there are several more. You will have to pay for the higher content and analysis keyword tools.

Here's a key part of the top 10 SEO tips: When using any SEO tool for doing keyword research, start by keeping your searches with more broad keyword phrases. The results will always return suggestions, sometimes surprising ones that you may not have thought of.

Discover Your Competitors

Search engines analyze incoming links to your website as part of their ranking criteria. Knowing how many incoming links your competitors have will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors before you can analyze them.

A top rated tool for spying on your competitors is SEO Elite, which digs through the major search engines by keyword to not only tell you who your competitors are, but also provides you with an in-depth analysis of each competitor. The analysis includes these extremely important linking criteria (super SEO tips), such as:

· Competitor rank in the Search Engines

· Number of incoming links

· What keywords are in the title of linking page

· % of links containing keywords in the link text

· The PageRank of linking pages

· The Alexa traffic ranking information

SEO Elite also offers you the ability to see who the website owner is and even send emails to all websites discovered to have quality link potential.

The Big Picture

Keep in mind that the same way you have access to info, so does the rest of the world. The biggest results you will have to produce will come down to a few different components.

LEARN THE INDUSTRY/ Research and extract the Blueprint



AUTO RESPONDER LISTS/ respond to leads

CONVERSIONS/ Sales from different campaigns

As you see you are in that first step. Going into anything as a beginner you first want to find out who is making the most in that Industry and how they are doing it.

To the mass public they are known as Internet Gurus and there are thousands of them making huge amounts of money. How they got there is going to be different stories. The system that each of them uses will have similar basic components.

Each person that takes on this task has many battles to overcome. Starting from scratch is the hardest way to start at anything. Even if you learn the system you will have to build it piece by piece and stand out among thousands in your keyword phrases you compete for.

SEO Rules to Follow

Keyword Tips

When building a site or a blog or an article, make sure you are always thinking about getting the best possible SEO results. I will list some tips below and then tie them all together.


* Make a unique, keyword the title tag for every page on your site. If you must put other words in your title tag, make sure you put your keyword inside the title. Your company name should not be the keyword until you build up your clout.

* Make sure that links to your homepage and other pages use your keyword phrase. For example, if your target is “make money online fast” then link to “make money online fast” instead of a “Click here” link.

*Focus on keywords with 3 or more words that have search result numbers that you can rank high without massive backlinks. A keyword search phrase that has less than 20,000 would make it easier to get on 1st page of Google if you use correct SEO strategies.

*By making fresh content you improve the rankings. Add new, useful content to your site on regular basis. Content freshness adds relevancy to your website from Search Engines perspective.

* Put your keyword in your domain. Example if you were targeting Make Money Online Fast. Put your keyword inside of your image, to rank on Google Images for your keyword.

Put your keyword and LSI words inside of Video Hosting description for your keyword. That can link to giving your site a backlink, video promotion, and overall ranking improvement for Web, and Video search.

* If your site content doesn’t change often, you can put a blog in your site, so the search engines have fresh material to find and improve your rankings. Blog consistently at least a post a few times out of the week might take less than 10 minutes a post to improve and maintain ranking

* When you are link building make sure that the sites that you go on to put content and backlink your site, are relevant to your content, and have good rankings, traffic, and longevity.

* You can build many backlinks, by putting relevant informative comments on Blogs, with your website link. You can write articles that give valuable content that link back to your website. Forums allow you to have a signature that has a pitch with your website.

*You can submit your videos for your site to many video hosting sites, and directory, social networking, blogs, etc and link back to your sites. By linking to another similar content website you can contact owner and ask if he will put your link.

*You can network your site in many different ways, and this all helps build up the sites rankings in the Search Engine competition. Backlinks are the longevity part of how a site climbs up to be 1st page of high competition search term.

* Do not try to stuff your site with your keyword. People used to do this and trick the search engine. It does not work anymore. Your keyword phrase should be in main parts for site: Domain, title, subheading, body 2-5%, Image, Video, Meta tags . The LSI words relate to your keyword so put these words in the body and bring more relavancy to your main keyword term.

* When you put your keyword phrase in the body of your text do a anhor text. That is where you put a link inside of the text, and that creates a link that people can click on to go to the page you send them to.

* If in all of your links you send the person to a paid advertiser you take the chance of being labeled as a shameless salesman. You want to build the trust and relationship of each visitor, so saving the promoting products can actually be more effective in your Auto email campaigns.

* It will be easier to get people to go to a products sale page if you put the link inside of text like SEO Tips, instead of the Click Here!, or the unappealing link.

* When you reach out and give your opinion or your information make sure it is relevant, informative and stands out.

* When you set up a page focus on one keyword first. That will be much easier than trying to go for five initially. As time goes and you put in your work you will realize because you put in the LSI related keyword you will be competing for other related keywords without intentionally focusing on them. You do want to dominate your keyword that you chose before concentrating on others.

* It is great if you get on 1st page of Google for your keyword phrase but if your site brings no action from the visitor than whats the whole point of this. You will have further in the module courses a course on squeeze pages. This page is necessary for you to build a email list that will be priceless as the number grows.

To truly be effective you need to build email list from your traffic and also bring a strong call to action and back up your clout on your site wih Blockbuster material. You need to tell the person what it is you want them to do. You need to have video in your squeeze page that will lead them in to your site to be persuaded to buy from your main sellers pitch page/order page.

It is absolutely necessary that you obtain your visitors email to keep contact and eventually sell to.

* SEO can be a one time set up, but when competing against thousands to millions of websites, if you want to keep increasing ranks you will have to keep working on back links, and fresh material to site using SEO tactics.

* Links from a high PageRank site are great for increasing your sites rankings. High PR indicates high trust, so the back links will carry more weight and credibility to your site.

Pay Attention Very Closely SEO is the biggest driving Factor in this Industry. If you are not utilizing it, you are begging for Traffic!

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. What that means on a broad breakdown beginner perspective I will explain.

You first have to look at the #1 Search Engine that has over 110 million daily page views. Google is a beast like Walmart is in the physical products Industry.

Google is a Search Engine first, but has many other tools which I will show you throughout these courses. In the end I will have a section to give you all the tools, resourses, and links to free and paying sources.

A search engine searches off of Keyword Phrases. There are millions of different variations of different words put together to find content based around the search. If you were seeking a way to make money off the Internet you type in Make Money off Internet, or Make Money Online.

When you go to a search engine and type in what you are looking for, you make it specific by adding extra words to describe it. For example if you wanted something easy, and like a job to make money online you might type in : Easy Job on Internet.

Each search term will take you to different sets of webpages below. The websites down directly below are what alot of people tend to look at first. Mainly because they are the most convient to view and they are not the paying advertiser sites.

The way you view Search Engine is the way we all view it when searching. The reason I explain SEO, is to let you know how often it is used and how important it is that you are on the first page for different search terms.

When you get your results you will most commonly look on the first page, maybe 2nd, rarely 3rd and on. To get on the 1st page requires you to have information on how to make your page rank above those other sites.

How will you do this? The first tool is to see how many people are searching for that term, and a way to look at thousands of terms in a matter of minutes. Heres a free tool that Google gives you.

Each Website, Blog, Article, Ad, Social Networking Site, Forum Comment, etc should always have ranking high in Search Engine ranking in its best Interest.

That is the reason I mention this up front. Look at the advantages. You have a mass amount of people that make all of the different .com sites and most do not make SEO the biggest priority in bringing traffic.

Ultimately the biggest goal is to get traffic to your website to ultimately buy the different products that you recommend to you. Traffic/Conversions right? Think about it for a second if you are doing all of these different sites how are you going to get traffic.

Well think of a conventional method that most people think that they have to take. You post comments on forums, notes on Social Networking Sites, Make Online Catchy ads in places like Free Ads, connect to other bloggers.

All of these are good things to do, but they are time consuming and dont you wish you could have the traffic come to you? Well if you make a website per one keyword phrase and dominate that phrase, then you will be bringing traffic to you, without having to ask for it.

That by far is a more efficient, and will free up time to work on building more content quality websites, and dominate more keywords to make more conversions/sales.

The other way is what you see most startup Affiliate Marketers doing. I did it myself in the beginning. I made $148 in my first couple weeks of learning and implementing my exhausing go to customers marketing.

It can get frustrating, because you can write Articles, and do Blogs, and write on forums, and have your Twitter, and My Space, and You Tube going soft selling your recommendations but it is time consuming.

Didnt you get online to find a way of promoting that doesnt require you to be a complete workaholic. You probably have a full time job or full time school maybe job too. The point is, you cant afford to work several hours more a day with no real strategic approach to getting traffic. Of course not!

So imprint this into your brain SEO is the Core of how you can get to 1st page rank and get free targeted traffic on auto pilot. I figured this out after going through all of the other methods. I don't want you to have to go through putting in energy to be on page 50 of Googles search results.

That is what we are aiming for. Is to be on 1st page of Googles results for your Keyword Phrase. On the next part we will use Googles keyword tool and find keywords you have better chance of dominating in.

You do your additional research when you have time. The more knowledgeable you are in your Industry the more likely you will be able to build this Mythical Auto Pilot System you hear Guru's Speak of.

It is real, its just complicated, and does take alot of time to build. Necessary resources, tools, knowledge and mentors to guide you through this Online Battleground.


Keyword Research - SEO #1 Factor

Whenever you set up a site of some kind you should look at the keyword phrase that you want to target and make sure that you do neccessary steps to ensure it getting a better chance of ending up on 1st page for its keyword.

Unfortunately getting to the first page for a keyword phrase can be extremely difficult for even low number search phrases. There will be one thing that will hold consistent. The higher the number of searches per month, the more chance of more elite competition.

That means if a keyword phrase has hundreds of thousands to million per month, you as a beginner have no way of getting to front page through SEO of your site. The competition at the front page has thousands of reputable back links, long life of domain, and have done excellent SEO to their multi link page.

Taking the advice of a SEO pro is definitely the best way to go. I am currently going through George Brown's Google Sniper course. Very useful tips that this 18 year old semi guru is giving. Many strategies before you even join his course.

Keyword research is the most complicated to master, because of the rapid changing result shifts. One week you could get to 1st page, next week you could land on 10th. The main point I am trying to make is that you need to always stay updated on things to do, to keep your sites in heavy competition for ranking.

Doing research on the search engines through tens to thousands of pages is going to get you a lot of wisdom and potent information that will only help you. Don't stop with my info, get as much powerful impactful info as you can. Just make sure you are implementing what you learn, and sticking to your plan.

Googles keyword tool is actually very good for it to be a free tool. There are many keyword tools, and services that are advertised on the Internet. I suggest if you are not making that much money or any, to stick with Googles keyword tool for your keyword research.

Once you get yourself established and make consistent money, then you should step into different Keyword tools to enhance your results. There is a saying, you get what you pay for. Google gives away this free tool, but it does not compete with the tools that you have to pay for.

In my recommended tools and resources section I will outline the best keywords tool for the price.

I want you to know that there is a much better resource up front. Also that you should utilize this tool, because its a pretty decent free tool, that will get you alot for nothing.

Start using the keyword tool by typing in a broad search term in your niche. For demonstration purposes type in Make Money Online. Lets look at our results.

This brings up 150 related keywords, and 50 keywords to consider. You can bring these terms into a spread sheet or in css into a notepad document. You can view alot of data about each keyword.

The amount that you would pay to get into 1-3 place in google. You get to see thru a spectrum bar the level of competition for that search term. An empty bar being no competition and full bar being fierce competition.

You get the info for the amount of people that searched for the term the month before. To the right of Local Search Volume is the average monthly search results.

The results can also show you a trends graph, and the highest month of searches for each keyword phrase. You can get different data by searching for the results in different ways.

Alot of people are going to search for the term by just typing in the term, which is the broad way. This way will bring different search engine results than if you were to search for it with exact.

5 Levels of Internet

The Structure of the Internet

Level 1 - This level is for affiliate marketers. You know from earlier that this is where you are promoting other peoples product and do not have a product of your own. You do not have to deal with any technical knowledge of running your own hosting for your website. No email auto responder, no paid methods of generatting traffic, just free.

Level one affiliate marketers have an huge amount of opportunity. There are multiple free methods of promoting free products. Essentially the Level one Internet Marketer will make money off of posting links on their article, social networking sites, blogs, forums, public, etc of free methods.

You can start at level one but just know that taking Level one methods is a good training starting point, but Level 2 and on is what the standard level is to have a good chance of making some money off the Internet.

Many Level one Affiliate Marketers will face a problem of putting in exhausting amouts of hours of work to recieve little to no return of profit in the beginning. This is the easiest method with many untrained people promoting similar products that all seem to have a similar ring.

You have little chance of sticking out unless your content is extremely effective and stands out. Poeple are now used to buying from Level 2 and on, so Level one Affiliates tend to have more of a battle. The biggest part that sets Level 1 affiliate Marketers back is that they have no auto system that allows them to have auto responders, and websites that they control. They are doing every thing by hand.

What you will realize is that you will need to implement many of Level 1 tactics as well as Level 2. You need to be effective at what you do in both levels. If you want to start promoting other people's product's with no websites the best Mentor for that is Mack Michaels.

Level 2 - Level 2 is where you have the best chance at success. With level 2 you step into the field of building a auto pilot system that you promote with Level 1 as well as Level 2 methods. Level 2 gets into the more complicated components but necessary tools that you need to make your profit potential higher.

You will need hosting and a Resallers Account to have control over what happens to your domain, and setting up a webiste you can resale if you want. You will have to deal with the hosting which is kind of complicated to deal with.
You will need an Email Autoresponder to put in the emails that you will be on your campaign of messages you send to your potential customers. An Email Responder Automates the process of sending emails. It can also be a little complicated if you have never used it. Dont worry the auto responders are very similar in sense of different functions and commands that you can program.

You will need a keyword research tool: googles keyword tool. When you enter in to the paid methods, it is highly recommended that you get an additional keyword tool, to ensure you have the best PPC Campaign Research.
Squeeze page is a page to obtain your email and name to subcribe the person to your auto responder list. These pages are extremely important. Every Level 2 affiliate has to have one to build your list. There are manual ways on programming the squeeze page, and then there are programs for cheap to make it alot easier and make it as simple as Microsoft Word.

Pay Per Click Campaigns involve paying for text ads and use of banner ads. Pay per click means that you as the advertiser have to pay per click that the potential customer uses. Pay per click campaigns are run on search engines and on websites.

A pay per click off of a search engine, targets a keyword phrase for a dollar amt per click that can be as low as .05 up to $15, $20 dollars per click. This is definitely not the beginners path. This method can be really expensive, and can require over $100 a day to test out campaigns to see effective. A successful campaign thru a pay per click can be 1-3% conversion rate.

If this language sounds foreign to you then you know to keep going through this course to the end until you start putting any money towards your Internet Business.

The pay per click off of websites can vary in price and are not based off of targeted keyword phrase but just a placement on the webpage until your budget amount is used up. Having a good mentor is also very important for any Level that you are training in.
My warning to you is dont believe that after going thru one course that you will start getting rich, and make unbelievable amounts of money. I assure you that the formula is much harder to manifest than spoken of. Its a lot of inital work. It will pay off and be a systematic process.

The same way that you had to train for your job it is similar here. Just here you are not guaranteed a hour amount or salary. You have to literally create this money. The difference is, if you get good, like you are at your job, then your Income can soar based on how well you are doing.

My mentor makes over 100 times of what I am making. That inspires me, to be relentless in my pursuit of greatness, to close that gap thru time, experience and effective action. My Mentor is at a Level 3 which is a Vendor.

So level 2 steps into building your auto pilot system . Your hosting, auto respond email, pay per click campaigns, deeper keyword research, mentor, Building your websites, with squeeze page as your capture robot. The leader of the pack for teaching you all of the level 2 skills is Michael Jones.

Level 3 is a Vendor. A Vendor uses Level 1 and 2 tactics, but also creates his own product that he releases on Affiliate Networks. A great affiliate marketer has learned all of the necessary traits of Internet Marketing, so becoming a Vendor is easy and can boost his profits to obscene profits.

A Vendor creates his own product and will insert the product into an Affiliate Network to be promoted by himself and anyone who is a part of that Network. If the Vendor had a lot of success as Affiliate Marketer, this gives him the ability to make 100% commission.

Vendor's profit from everyone that is selling his product, thru a percentage commision. When you have these variables in place, you can see how a good product and proven success as Affiliate Marketer can skyrocket that Vendor into 6 or 7 figures. Clickbank holds nothing but Level 3 Vendors, that teach us Level 1 and 2 of the Internet.

Level 4 - Networks- an interconnected systems that broadcast a membership site to potentially millions of people. Level 4 Network is free to join and has a theme or common reason people would use it.

We are in a Social Networking frenzy, which shows a big trend to Online travelers. Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube are the biggest Social Netwoks at the moment. None of those Networks charge, and hold capabilities of housing hundreds of milions of people in their database.

The more people you bring to your page on a regular basis, the more you can potentiall make if you are a site owner. The Networks are paid thru the advertisers. Millions of people coming to your site will mean millions up to billions if you put up You Tube, My Space hit numbers.

The Networks are definitely where the recent multimillionaires and Billionaires have made their money. I do not go into detail on strategies inside Level 3, 4 or 5, because I am only in Levels 1 and 2. My progress in what I can pass to you will be based off of my experience level.

I can give you basic description of the higher levels.  Twitter is an example of Level 4 Free Network.

Level 5 is a Network with a subscriber fees. A massive membership, where the people come together for similar purposes on the website. Yet they have to pay for access. This is actually harder to pull off gigantic number like You Tube would do, because people flock to free much more.

What you are providing to a successful subscribers network has to be very valuable to those members. World of Warcraft is an example of a very successful Level 5 Network. They charge $13 a month and have over 11 million subscribers. Do the math on that, and it will make you feel bad.

Overall a free Network has more potential to be more successful because free can span out to incredible numbers if you have something everyone would like to be a part of. You tube has over 70 million people visit everyday. Google has over 100 million viewers visiting that site.

Those number of hits per day bring them billions of dollars from Advertisers. During this course you will be in Level 1 and Level 2. As an affiliate marketer you can still make obscene amounts of money. The next course will be about the heart of how you can get the best free exposure you could ever imagine.

Seo - Search Engine Optimization is by far the most important research you NEED to do, to make everything you write and build, rank on the top search engines. It is so crucial that you will not succeed if you do not become really familiar at utilizing it in Everything you do.

World of Warcraft is a Level 5 Membership Network.

Basics to Understanding Clickbank

So you have your Clickbank Account. Not a big accomplishment, but necessary. Part 4 Introduction is designed to give you a tutorial on how to browse and effectively use Clickbank. You will see more of Clickbank as you go thru Courses.

The way to get access to products to sell is by going to Marketplace. From this link you can get your Affilate Link that gives you a special website link to promote a specific product. In the Marketplace you can also view each of the products Pitch Page.

The Pitch Page is the Sales Letter page of the product you are selling or buying. You definitely want to view this page if you are drawn to promoting a product. Go to the Marketplace if you are not already there.

You have alot of options in how you can search for products. You can search for Category which is self explanatory. The top 3 searched for categories on the Internet, and the world in general are:

1. Money and Employment

2. Health and Nutrition

3. Dating/ Entertainment

Those 3 categories should come as no surprise to you. It makes alot of sense. I cannot pick which category or product you will sell. This tutorial is a quick start guide to using Clickbank. Before you pick your product you will need to go thru some steps.

After the Intro Series we will begin to get into the meat of the course and take you what you do before product selection. To get the most use out of this quick tutorial follow video instructions and do some additional searching on Clickbank.

Similar to your workplace at your job, you want to become as familiar with the Resources that you will utilize on your time Online. So I will select a category. Money and Employment.

Notice there are many categories to choose from. I'll explain each one as a definition that you can understand. A few of these are self explanatory but I will still explain just in case.

Category - This is to bring you through the main groups inside Clickbank. I mentioned above the three main categories which are all listed in the categories. This section will divide the products into the biggest groups.

Keyword - This is similar to a search engine searching with the phrases that match up to a particular product or product group. If you were looking for an Ebay product on Clickbank, you can put in this keyword to help your search.

Product Type- This section has either standard billing which for Clickbank means billing you just once. The recurring billing describes the products that bill you each month as a membership charge. Most of these also pay affiliates a recurring amount for a certain amount of time.

Sub Category - The Sub Category is the groups inside of the category that you chose. Lets say for example that you chose Health and Fitness. You will have a choice of chosing related groups inside of sub category. Fitness, Nutrition, Beauty are some of the different ways of choosing a different Niche inside of a category.

This tool allows you to search inside of Clickbank's directory of products in a more detailed Niche finding way. Finding a gold mine product in a certain keyword can help you.

Sort By - This category has many sub listing inside.

Popularity - This describes the most popular product in its group. The one that has been selling the most and getting the most hits for its page. Usually the highest selling product will be near the top of this list. Searching by popular will give you the products that are all over the Internet, being promoted heavily, and alot of the time over saturated.

High Gravity - This defines the intensity of the products selling in a time frame. A product over 100 gravity is definitely steady selling at a steady pace. Where a product at 500 gravity is selling at a more rapid pace. The gravity of 3.5 means not a lot of orders are rolling in, consistently. The faster a product build up orders the higher the gravity is. High Gravity = High Sales

Low Gravity - This is the opposite of the High Gravity. The products that are low in sells and some non existent. Low Gravity = Low Sales Low Gravity does define products that are not in high demand but do not label low gravity as products you should not sale. Some of these products in their initial launch were high gravity products.

$ Earned Per Sale - This section is the dollar amount earned per sale of each product. The results will bring up the highest amount earned per sale. This will bring up usually the most expensive products and highest percentage paid products. If earning a large amount per sale is a big focus, than this sort by category will bring up highest amount you earn for the category you search.

% Earned Per Sale - Clickbank offers percentage commissions in the range of 50 - 75% profit of each sale you make of the product. The percentage earned per sale will bring up the highest percentage products first and list them highest to smallest. So all the 75% earning products will be listed first, down to lowest.

Future $ - Future $ is similar to the the category earlier with recurring billing. This will show you all of the products that will pay you future commission on their product. They will usually have a limited amount of months that they will pay you.

Total $ Per Sale - This one is a little confusing if you didnt have this guide. This category defines the products that have the highest over all value in the amount of money you can make off the product. This also ties in to the future pay products. The future products will be listed here because this category calulates the amount of time that a future product pays out, plus the inital sale.

The amount of time that the Product owner will pay you commission for the customer retaining their membership. This can be a few months it can be over a year. The products that come up will be the ones that overall will give you the most potential money for all accumulated profits.

A simpler way is if a customer that bought a product and paid the membership fee for life to the product owner, you have a window of time you are paid commission. The product owner will not pay you for ever. By searching this you will see what product owner will go the furthest in compensating you in the highest overall dollar amount with recurring payments calculated into equasion.

% Referred - This category will show the products first that are being promoted only by affiliate marketers. 100% would mean that the product owner has not done any promoting and it has been sold only by other people. If it was 70%, that would mean the product owner promoted and sold 30% of the product sales and other people promoted the 70%. If you search with this you will find the products that are promoted exclusively by other people, down to heavily promoted by Vendor (Product creator) .

Language - This is self explanatory you pick the language to separate the products in the Language format they are written in.